Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 5- DQ

Week 5- DQ

Q After reading Chapters 10,11,12 in "Flawless Consulting" which takes you through Phase 2 of the Consulting Process, "Diagnosis to Discovery & The Whole System, read the Article, "Deciding How to Decide" - now address the following: 1. outline the steps from Diagnosis to Discovery and provide a series of questions that would be appropriate within each step to allow you to understand the needs of the Client and move you to the following step. 2. explain how and why you selected the questions that you did and why the selected questions are effective in helping you achieve your objective. 3. explain how you, as the Consultant, control moving from step to step, seamlessly while evaluating the potential of the Client.

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The initial step of the counseling procedure is the revelation stage. Disclosure includes gathering information from numerous sources previously the advisors apply their aptitude to take care of a business issue. The conventional path is to think of it as a determination, following the restorative model of diagnosing the issue, concocting anticipation, and afterward offering a solution. This is the desire for most customers (Block, 2000). They have an issue, need an answer, and need you to offer it to them. As regular as this desire seems to be, it has the restrictions of being entirely issue centered, and it has the expert doing the majority of the disclosure.